Friday, November 28, 2008

We've lost some heavy hitters of the TV industry in the past couple of years. Shows like Six Feet Under, The Sopranos, Rome, Deadwood, The West Wing, Arrested Development, and the best TV show of all time, The Wire are gone and what do we have to replace them? Grey's Anatomy, The Sarah Conner Chronicles, Prison Break, 24 (hasn't been good for a while), Desperate Housewives, and Heroes (you guys should have stopped while you were ahead)? Not much back up if you ask me.

Now, there are a few shows out there like Lost (PS DO NOT watch any episode of Lost unless you're committed to watching it from the beginning, if you do that, you'll ruin the entire experience), Rescue Me, 30 Rock, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, House, and the soon to be canceled Life. But that's nothing compared to what we had just a few years ago. And now we've lost The Shield. And now, there's very little besides sports that make paying for cable worth while. WIth Netflix, I'm perfectly happy waiting for this season's season to come out on DVD next year. I can use that time to watch shows like Sports Night, Studio 60, and Boomtown over on DVD while I wait. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is a ton of good tv on DVD right now and if you haven't seen any of the shows I've listed, I highly recommend you give them a chance. All of the shows I've listed will have to staying up till five in the morning saying, "okay just one more episode." They'll have you running to your local video rental store looking for the next disc in the series because you can't wait that one day for it to arrive via Netflix. And they'll have you posting blogs like this when you finish them. Good TV is a rarity and good TV that's still on the air is even more uncommon. Give the listed shows a chance, I guarantee you'll love all of them.


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